2014 White Mountain Double Double Results

The Second Annual White Mountain Double Double offered a Highland, Highland/Lowland, Lowland, and double/150 challenge for the weekend. The Double Double took a life this year with registered 7 riders.

WMDD First Place Finisher Highland Course: Mike Wilson Congratulations!!!! Mike! Mike was the inspiration behind this event! Mike ‘s comment: “It was harder than I thought it would be.” Interesting comment I thought, because he didn’t make it look hard. Congrats again Mike and thank you for inspiring me to create this event.

WMDD First Place Finisher – Highland/Lowland Course: Sara Cooper
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Sara on a smoking fast course record for the Highland/Lowland event. She made it incredible challenging for me keep a bag of Cheetos in front of her. Congrats again Sara and thank coming to race the White Mountain Double Double.

I am truly inspired by every Double Double participant’s efforts to finish the course. I can’t over emphasize how much I appreciate the crew of volunteers and riders being out giving it their very best the whole weekend. You have my most sincere thanks for all you do in helping make the White Mountain Double Double be a fun and safe event.

Thank you again for all who participated in this year’s event. The original purpose for this event has changed, and therefore the event will be replaced by the Mammoth 300 and 500 events. These event will offer some new and more interesting routes in the same great area. I hope to you enjoy them.
Best to you,

Jim Cook

2014 WDD Crew:

The White Mountain Double Century Support Crew did an incredible job providing the best environments possible for such a great challenge. A huge Thank You goes to an awesome group of volunteers who truly make this event better every year!

Sunday Crew: Jesse Smith, Jim Cook

A special thanks goes out to the awesome people at the California Triple Crown, Hammer Nutrition, California Highway Patrol, CalTrans at Bishop, Inyo County, Mono County Nevada Department of Transportation, Nevada Highway Patrol, U.S. National Forest Service, Boonies Restaurant, Satellite Phone Store, M & K Enterprises , and Bishop Waste Disposal.

Sara Cooper, thanks again for AWESOME performance and for a great little write up on your blog.

2014 White Mountain Double Double Results:

Mitch Meyer Rancho Cordova CA 13:27 16:40 30:07:00 H/H
Nicholas Rice Santa Clara CA 14:21 DNF H/H
Mike Wilson San Diego CA 13:30 13:31 27:01:00 H/H
Sara Cooper Urbandale IA 12:24 12:24 24:48:00 H/L
Philip Auriemma Fremont CA 16:59 DNS L/L
Edgar Burcksen Los Angeles CA DNF DNF L/L
Mathew Frederick San Francisco CA 15:21 DNS L/L